Each gallery has only about 50 thumbnails per page, to cut down loading time.
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5 pics of Buffy and Angel in the Buffy and Angel Gallery Three!
These are all that new, but if you haven't checked back for a while...41 pics of Buffy and Angel together, and Angel himself, from "Beauty and the Beast", "Homecoming" and "Revelations" in the new Season Three Gallery Two. =) Thanks to Angel's Apartment.
Gallery One
Gallery Two
Gallery Three
Gallery One
Gallery Two
Gallery Three
Gallery One
Gallery One
Gallery Two
You can use any of these pictures for your own site if you want to (unless otherwise specified), but please don't *link* any pictures to my site!
A HUGE thank you to all these sites for the pictures:
Star-Crossed Lovers
The Slayer's Lair
Domain of the Slain
Angel's Apartment
The Official Buffy the Vampire Slayer Site
A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan Page
The David Boreanaz Cool Site
The Buffy Cross and Stake
Angel of the Night
Spike's Lair
Buffy: Vampire Slaying Goddess
Russet Silk: Devoid of Warmth or Feeling
Spike and Drusilla's Vampire Kingdom
On Angel's Wings
Raven's Realm of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Sunnydale Slayers
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