Paying my homage to that awesome show known as "Buffy: the Vampire Slayer"! Being a total Angel-Buffy devotee, the knowledge that Buffy's precious Angel will be whipped off the show into his own is not at all welcomed... but I guess we'll just have to wait and see how the new spin-off series, "Angel", turns out... Feel free to email me about anything to do with show or my webpage, whether it be a suggestion/comment, some 'inside knowledge' about upcoming eps, to point out a mistake...whatever! =)
Please click below to vote for my site as one of the Top Buffy Sites on the net! =)
***** Page last updated on Monday 18th January 1999 *****
Buffy Survey
Results of previous poll:
*** "What do people think about Xander's behaviour involving Angel? (ie. in "Becoming" & "Revelations" etc)" ***
can be viewed on the Survey Archive Page!
26/1/99 - "The Zeppo" - Xander's attempts to be "cool" have dangerous repercussions on Buffy and the rest of the gang...
2/2/99 - "Homecoming" - repeat
*** UPDATES ***
Woohoo! Just got home from a great holiday... I've got a lot of other things to do before any major updates take place, though - birthdays and work are taking up lots of my time. I'll try and get round to it some time soon! =) Kendra's summary of "Gingerbread" is now up on the Ep Summary page - you'll notice "Amends" is up yet, though! - I haven't seen it yet, and don't want the big 411 on the full ep till I've seen it myself!! =) YAHOO!!!!! -- In case you haven't heard, David Boreanaz and Sarah Michelle Gellar whipped the other contestants in the TVGen "King and Queen of You Sexy Thing" competition to take their respective crowns as King and Queen! Way to go!!!
Got questions about the show?? Can't find the answers anywhere?? Ask the experts at this interesting new website where you can ask people with the knowledge any question you want the answer to!
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Page constructed by Robyn
President of the Angel Site Searchers
Official Co-Watcher of Theresa's Grave
Member of the Official Buffy the Vampire Slayer "Slayer Circle"
Member of WWWBWB
Member of RABID - The Hellmouth's Angels
Member of Buffyholics Anonymous
Member of David's Angels