from Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes
Click on the song titles to see the lyrics of the song, plus some have a sound clip or two of the song (indicated by this:
) I've also included a few songs that I picked up along the way and thought were appropriate to BtVS, or just sound good!
Sounds are in RealAudio, wav, or midi format. Most are in RealPlayer.
If you know of a place that has a sound file for any of the songs that I don't have, or there are any problems with the links, please let me know.

Welcome to the Hellmouth
"Things Are Changing"
The Harvest
"Right My Wrong"
"Wearing Me Down"
"Ballad for Dead Friends"
The Witch
"Twilight Zone"
Teacher's Pet
"Already Met You"
"Stoner Love"
Never Kill A Boy On The First Date
"Rotten Apple"
"Junky Girl"
"Let The Sun Fall Down"
The Pack
"All You Want"
"Reluctant Man"
"Job's Eyes"
"I'll Remember You"
Prophecy Girl
"I Fall To Pieces"
When She Was Bad
"It Doesn't Matter"
"Sugar Water"
School Hard
"One Thousand Nights"
"Stupid Nights"
Inca Mummy Girl
Reptile Boy
"Bring Me On"
"How She Died"
Lie To Me
"Lois, On The Brink"
"Never Land (a fragment)"
"Transylvanian Concubine"
"Blind For Now"
Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
"Drift Away"
"Got The Love"
"Never An Easy Way"
I Only Have Eyes For You
"I Only Have Eyes For You"
Go Fish
"Mann's Chinese"
"If You'd Listen"
Becoming - Part Two
"Full Of Grace"
"Back to Freedom"
Dead Man's Party
"Never Mind"
Faith, Hope and Trick
"Blue Sun"
"Going To Hell"
"The Background"
Beauty and the Beasts
"Teenage Hate Machine"
"Fell Into The Loneliness"
"Jodi Foster"
"Fire Escape"
"She Knows"
Band Candy
"Tales of Brave Ulysses"
"Slip Jimmy"
"West Of Here"
"Silver Dollar"
Lover's Walk
"My Way"
The Wish
"Tired Of Being Alone"
"Dedicated To Pain"
"Never Noticed"
"Can't Enough Of Your Love, Babe"
by Sarah McLachlan
by Sarah McLachlan
by Sarah McLachlan
"#1 Crush"
by Garbage
by Massive Attack
by Massive Attack
"Angel Of Mine"
by Eternal
Thanks to the following sites for song information, lyrics and sound files I used on this page:
Domain Of The Slain
The Official Darling Violetta Homepage
Four Star Mary Homepage
Discovery Records
CD Now Records
Lalitoish's 2 Unlimited Homepage
Official Velvet Chain Homepage
Adrienne's Sarah McLachlan Homepage
A Cibo Matto Homepage
Nickel Homepage
Official Rasputina Homepage
Music Central Website
The Ultimate Band List Website
A Far Homepage
A Tribute To Patsy Cline
2 Much Homepage
A Treble Charger Homepage
Act Of Faith Homepage
Power of a Woman - Eternal Homepage
Official Garbage Homepage
Official Massive Attack Homepage
Official Sarah McLachlan Homepage
Brian Johnstown Massacre Site at TVT
Official Third Eye Blind Homepage
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