Welcome to the Buffy Survey Archives! This is where I store the results of past surveys that I've done on my web site. If you haven't already, please fill out the current survey on the main page of this web site! =)

"On a scale of one to ten, how angry do you think Buffy will be with Xander when she finds out he should've told her about the Curse being tried again?"
2% of voters said '0 (won't care)'
3% of voters said '1-3 (slightly annoyed, but not too concerned)'
16% of voters said '4-6 (annoyed, feeling slightly betrayed)'
31% of voters said '7-9 (quite angry, feeling very betrayed)'
49% of voters said '10 (very angry, feeling totally betrayed! Again!)'
Thanks to all 196 of the people that voted!!
"If one of the main characters was to die, who would you rather see killed?"
4% of voters said 'Buffy'
8% of voters said 'Angel'
1% of voters said 'Willow'
18% of voters said 'Xander'
0% of voters said 'Giles'
19% of voters said 'Cordelia'
5% of voters said 'Oz'
46% of voters said 'Joyce'
Thanks to all 118 of the people that voted!! Looks like Buffy's mom had better hope the fans don't get put in charge of the script...
"A lot of people are disappointed with Season Three as a whole so far - what do you think??"
28% of voters said 'It's all GREAT!! Better than ever!!'
24% of voters said 'I think it's pretty good!! Not great, but good!'
7% of voters said 'It's okay, I guess...no where near as good as before, though.'
41% of voters said 'Not enough Angel!!!!!! Therefore, could be WAY better!'
0% of voters said 'It's very high on the suck-o-meter! (ie. It sucks)'
0% of voters said 'I've stopped watching it due to it's dullness.'
Thanks to all 103 of the people that voted!! I guess Angel is a favourite around these parts, though judging from recent events (ie. "Homecoming"), he ain't too high on Buffy's priority list! Anyway. make sure you take a few seconds to vote in the new poll.
"Who will be the first person to discover Angel?!"
What a scramble for first place!! Four characters were battling it out all the way along, with Xander emerging as victor. Which, of course, is perfectly correct!! (see "Revelations" ep for the proof!)
20% of voters said 'Giles'
19% of voters said 'Faith'
21% of voters said 'Willow'
26% of voters said 'Xander'
3% of voters said 'Cordelia'
3% of voters said 'Oz'
10% of voters said 'Someone Else'
Thanks to all 112 of the people that voted!! Looks like some of us have more intuition about Joss' storylines than we thought!! *grin* Make sure you take a few seconds to vote in the new poll.
"What do people think about Xander's behaviour involving Angel? (ie. in "Becoming" & "Revelations" etc)"
Mixed feelings among this lot of voters! - but it looks like the majority are leaning way over to Angel's side of things...
13% of voters said 'What behaviour? He's just being plain ol' Xander!'
9% of voters said 'Well, he could be a little less ready to kill Angel...'
23% of voters said 'He needs to snap out of it and grow up! If Buffy can forgive Angel...'
37% of voters said 'He's being an absolute *******!! Buffy should knock some sense into him!!'
18% of voters said 'I hate him. I'm just dying to see a 10 ton weight fall on his head!'
Thanks to all 125 of the people that voted!! I'd say that, if Buffy fans got their dig on the BtVS script, Xander's days would be numbered!!! =) Make sure you take a few seconds to vote in the new poll.
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